I’m a scientist by training.
And…I’ve been working with Adobe Illustrator for well over a decade. It started with a free trial in 2006 and a woman on a mission to create figures and charts for research papers. After nearly 15 years, I still use Illustrator to make pie charts.
Mission accomplished.

“I have used Sciconic for several animation and social media projects. They understand what it takes to effectively target an audience and consistently go above and beyond to deliver a fantastic product.”
Lisa Willemse | Senior Communications Consultant

I use art and animation to tell stories and spread messages.
Also…I used to draw a lot as a kid, but I gave it up to pursue science. Artists starve.
But, apparently, scientists can also starve. So, in 2013, I gave that up…for art.
I’ve produced work for large companies, science organizations and science magazines.
Also…I had no contacts or network when I started. No one was finding me on google and there were no awards. Those first few animations were produced from my kitchen table while my kid was at school. I landed work because I pitched the crap out of people.
So many pitches…
“A great outfit for artistic and elegant animations. They’re remarkably scientifically accurate and whimsical at the same time. Sciconic is a great partner for Scientific American and our parent company, Nature Research Group.”
Eliene Augenbraun DO PhD | Multimedia Managing Editor, Nature Research Group
I was going to save the world with science!
Science literacy is hugely important to me. But, I’ve also learned what it’s like to create content for a client that no one sees, because they didn’t know what to do with it afterwards. Creating video (or any other content for that matter), only to have it sit idle on a website, simply isn’t a good use of your money.
My biggest lesson as an animator?
Creation is merely the first step. The true value is in taking that video and plugging it into the back end to help you build…something. Whether it’s using content to build awareness of your cause, lead viewers and clients to a scheduling page, sales page or a donation page, the value of video is in using it to help grow your organization or company. It often means positioning it so it encourages viewers to take some kind of action.
You don’t need 1M people to see your content.
But, your audience should probably see it.
I’d love to help you make that happen.
Talk to us!
If you’re not sure where to begin, please get in touch! Use the link below, include a link to your website, fill us in on your audience and your goals, and we’ll pitch you a few ideas
No obligation.