I am as comfortable running exercise tests as I am following cells under a microscope.  Over the years, my curiosity has taken me from Exercise Science to Cell Biology; a path sparked by the desire to learn how the body responded to exercise at every level.  I’ve never been afraid to take myself out of my comfort zone to learn something new.  I’m a better scientist for having done so.


And, I was an ARTIST long before I was a scientist.

My interest in science is closely matched by my love of creating art.  But, over the years, I convinced myself that artists starve.  I work with both 2D and 3D software, but art was only ever meant to be a hobby for me.  It never occurred to me that I might be able to combine my two passions to help others explain complicated concepts until fairly recently.

That’s a long story.


I’m also a COMMUNICATOR…YES really.

Somewhere between viewing cells under a microscope for a living and convincing myself that artists still starve, I developed a knack for explaining my work to others.

Over the years, I’ve given more presentations than I care to remember.  Those talks have been presented to people in multiple fields and to the general public. It’s just something I enjoy and do well, and my institution has recognized my ability to do so.  But, there really isn’t any incentive for being able to communicate science effectively within academia.

I try not to be bitter about that.

Instead, I look forward to using my abilities to help you get your message into the hands of your audience, in a way that will resonate with them.


And this is my MISSION.

I believe that, within that maze of data and jargon, some of the most important stories yet to be told have their roots in science.

I’ve made it my mission to tell some of those stories.


You’ve been warned.